A few days late, but we here at Saha Psychiatry want to wish the Jewish community a happy #RoshHashanah! Known as the start of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah (literally meaning "head of the year") is the start of the High Holy Days in the Jewish calendar. It is the start of ten days of introspection, which end on Yom Kippur.
This is a time for the Jewish community to come together in prayer and think through the past year, prepare for the new year, and make amends. Reflection, atonement, penance, and revival are common themes to many new year traditions, across cultures and religious groups.
Whether you practice the Jewish faith or not, it may be helpful to take some time over the coming days to reflect on how your year has been, what you are grateful for, what you could change, and how you can move forward, living your best, values based life.